
I produced and presented this six-part miniseries for the Telegraph, to mark the tenth anniversary of the paper busting the MPs' expenses story open.


Its aim was to offer listeners a gripping, personable, behind-the-scenes account of one of the biggest newspaper scoops in modern history; introducing them to the team who brought the scandal to light, duck house and all. 


Spotify listed Expenses as one of their top podcasts of 2019, and it was nominated for a Publisher Podcast Award

The Intelligence

I regularly work as a producer on The Economist's daily current affairs podcast, The Intelligence. The challenge here is to produce news segments which are both informative and characterful - giving the listener something more immersive than a bulletin.


This segment, about the murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, was a really rewarding story to produce - and exemplifies the kind of reporting we do on the show.

Route 66 With Marcel Theroux

Last summer, I had the pleasure of driving 2,500 miles across America with the novelist and broadcaster Marcel Theroux, in pursuit of one of the world's most famous (but oddly elusive) roads. We recorded with nearly everyone we met, and at nearly every place we stopped, from Chicago to Los Angeles.


The result, condensed down from these many hours of tape, is richly textured eight-episode travelogue - complete with ghost towns, unexpected encounters, and stories from an America you don't often hear about. It publishes in spring 2020: here's the trailer.

Pushkin Industries

I'm currently helping the NYC-based production house, Pushkin Industries, to develop a new history show.


Unfortunately I can't be more specific than that at this stage - but see to the right for another of their history shows, Cautionary Tales, which exemplifies the kind of storytelling - smart, urbane, littered with surprises - that they go in for.